Full Range of Professional Engineering Services
Gray, Hong, Nojima & Associates, Inc.’s extensive project history has encompassed all aspects of engineering: planning, permitting, design, construction observation, and project management. We are capable of providing a full range of services to meet the needs of our clients.
Planning & Permitting
- Infrastructure Master Planning
- Feasibility Studies
- Sustainable Planning
- Site Analysis & Selection
- Due Diligence Reports
- Preliminary Engineering Reports
- Environmental Assessments &
Impact Statements - Preliminary Subdivision Maps
- Regulatory Permits
- NPDES General Permit Coverage and Individual Permits
- Section 401 Water Quality Certification
- Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Program
- Department of the Army Permit
- Stream Channel Alteration Permit
- Underground Injection Control Permit
- Construction Plans
- Specifications
- Cost Estimates
- Bid Proposal & Documents
- Sustainable Design
- Project Management
- Computer-Aided Drafting & Design
- Contract Bidding & Negotiation
- Construction Observation
- Construction Management