Coconut Island Waterline
Approximately 29 acres in size, Coconut Island is situated in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, within the State Land Use Conservation District. In 1998, the Coconut Island Long-Range Development Plan was proposed by the University of Hawaii to promote scientific research, education, sustainable living, and promotion of stewardship of the living, and promotion of stewardship of the living oceans. The plan will allow for expanded research facilities, a conference center, faculty/student lodging, caretaker residences and storage. To accommodate this new infrastructure, the plan proposed improving roadways, water/wastewater systems and expanded electrical/telecommunication systems.
A new water line within Coconut Island was proposed as the first phase of water system and fire protection improvements. It connects to an existing 6-inch water line, which originates from the Board of Water Supply (BWS) 6-inch water meter located at Lilipuna Road, and continues down to the pier and under Kaneohe Bay to Coconut Island.Description of WorK
The proposed water system improvements consisted of 3,840 LF 8-inch water line and fire hydrants. GHN Responsibilities Included:
- Conduct site/field investigation
- Consult with affected government agencies
- Develop basis of design
- Prepare construction documents and
cost estimates - Provide services during bidding and construction
Project Owner
University of Hawaii
Firm's REsponsibility
Design and Services During Bidding and Construction
Completion Date
Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii